Kathryn Rubino
Willie Peacock is a lawyer, marketing, and technology enthusiast whose career has zig-zagged between the three fields more times than he'd be able to recount.
Since launching his career in the Great Recession, he has embraced a non-traditional career path, including stops with the largest legal marketing company, associate attorney and director of marketing for a multi-million dollar Family Law firm in California, Search Engine Marketing (PPC) manager for a military veterans' website, and when life and licensure have allowed, solo legal practice. He has written for Thomson Reuters, Clio, and the Daily Journal and regularly presents at conferences on legal marketing and reputation management.
He is licensed in seven states, including New York, where he still works in marketing and has a retirement division (QDROs) legal practice spanning CA, MO, KS, IA, ND, NY and NJ.